Saturday, October 9, 2010

3rd Annual Fall Day

I have always loved the fall, so three years ago I decided to make up a holiday called "Fall Day". I try to always make Fall Day within the first two weeks of October. Each year I get excited about this holiday and think of new ways to expand upon it. This year I tried to make Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte from scratch. A bit tricky but tasted yummy. Fall day always includes a trip to the pumpkin patch and a run through the corn maze. My traditional dinner is creamy butternut squash pasta. I decorate the house with squash, pumpkins and gourds. I am always thinking of new harvest decor and stumbled upon some great ideas from Martha Stewart.


  1. love the idea of 'fall day' How fun!

  2. sorry we missed you at Lane Farms this time!

  3. love this idea Devon! Fall is one of the things I miss most being away...



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