Monday, November 2, 2009

The Bee and Her Flower

Well the morning of Halloween we decided to change Tim's costume at the last minute. I found this fabulous multi-colored hat at a garage sale and instantly thought that Tim could be a flower instead of the bee keeper! We cut out the middle of the hat and put a bungee cord through it. We painted his face yellow, and bought a bright kelly green shirt and had quite the laugh over his costume! The party was a blast, complete with Tortilla soup which I made from scratch and a costume walk off! It was fun to see how many people got creative with their costumes! What did you do?


  1. You guys look soooo cute! Cleaver to dress Tim up as a flower - he looks a bit jaundice but he'll recover soon!! Glad to hear your party was a success. Devon you make a real cute bee.

  2. Haha thanks Nancy! When we painted his face it didn't turn out that yellow, but it really turned yellow in the pictures!



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